VIVAnews -Executing tasks (Plt) Effendi Bekasi Mayor Grace stated Baruji Sago Allail (formerly written Baruju Sago Allail), compulsory education gets decent. He asked the SD Jatimelati I, Bekasi, receiving back Baruji attend school.
"If it can't at school in other schools, Yes," said Grace in Bekasi, Thursday, July 28, 2011. "Just have to stay in school,".
Grace claims to have asked parents Baruji back dubbed onto the school, since last Monday. According to him, the kids in the city of Bekasi 9-year compulsory education, because the cost of education early childhood have been allocated in the budget of income and Expenditure Area (BUDGETS) town of Bekasi.
As regards sanctions for school, grace has not yet been decided. The reason, the investigation team was formed, consisting of the Office of education and the Inspectorate, it still works.
Case Baruji, said grace, supposed to be so instrospeksi myself to improve the quality of education in the school. Parents protest certainly there is Baruji. "Impossible parents protest if there is no problem," he said.
SD Negeri Jatimelati Bekasi city, on July 18, then issue a Baruji from the school after his parents are questioning the value and the school charges.
According to Erniwati, Baruji, her parents are no longer allowed to attend school. "I've come to the school but the teacher didn't want to teach," he said.
However according to Jojo, the head of the SD Jatimelati I, it was never issued Baruji. He admitted making a letter of resignation to Baruji because the parent Baruji already does not believe in the school. "If you want to enter it again please, but his parents do not repeat his deeds," he said.
SD Negeri Jatimelati I built last July, 2009. Most of the local class and learning facilities donated parents through the school Committee. The school is still menginduk to SD Negeri Jatiwarna and including the allocation of funds BUDGETS each year.
According to the grace, the allocation of funds BUDGETS to SD Jatimelati I was wrong. Supposedly, the funds poured directly into the school, rather than through other schools. "There was an error in the budget allocation is done on duty education period before my leadership," he said.
Erniwati before pitting to Mayor expelled from school because of his son. Erniwati claims to formerly levy protested that created the school.
Report Erik Hamzah | Bekasi